An Interview with a Lactation Consultant

An Interview with a Lactation Consultant

As a chiropractor who focuses so much on the prenatal, postpartum and pediatric population, I have the privilege of co-treating my patients with a number of other professionals. Lactation consultants are one of those professionals whom I believe to be crucial during the prenatal and postpartum period. With that being said, here is a Q & A session with lactation consultant, Tenise!

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Three Foods you may Want to Consider Trying During Pregnancy

Three Foods you may Want to Consider Trying During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can bring about interesting dynamics when it comes to food. On one hand you may find yourself dealing with morning (or all day) sickness, the sense of smell of a blood hound, and/or food aversions, doing all that you can to get any type of food in your body. On the other hand, there is this strong awareness that you are growing a human and you want to give that little person every opportunity to be healthy and strong from the start.

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Screen Time

Screen Time

There’s no denying that technology has become a way of life and a massive component of that includes screens ̶ computer screens, iPhone screens, iPad screens, and TV screens. While it is possible to exist in 2021 without screens, it would be pretty inconvenient and way less entertaining. But, as we know, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. This is especially true for our children.

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