
We are true to who we say we are and what we say we do.


We say what we mean and mean what we say. We practice what we preach and live in a way that is consistent with the lifestyle decisions we promote. We are patient-focused and all chiropractic services and products that we provide are relevant and serve to improve physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being.


Flourishing Work Environment

We strive to be a place in which employees also experience renewal and restoration.


We are committed to cultivating a fun, positive and uplifting work environment in which there is open communication and expectations are clear. We practice gratitude, provide words of affirmation and love one another well. By pouring into each other, as a team, we are better able to pour into our patients. All employees are encouraged to take a day of rest/renewal and practice a healthy work-life balance. 



Spiritual Growth

We operate with a focus on being a reflection of our creator. We provide a safe environment for people of all backgrounds.


We operate based on the fact that God is the co-creator of Renew & Restore Wellness. The way we live and communicate sets us apart and allows us to be loving and kind to every person we encounter. We do not expect everyone to have the same beliefs we do, in fact, we welcome and appreciate people exactly where they are.


Community Impact

We use our skills, relationships, and treasures to make a difference in our community and those who need it most.


We are a part of the community in which we serve and therefore have a responsibility to pour back into that community. We will take time and energy to do this through sponsorship, volunteer work, supporting surrounding small businesses and playing an active role in leaving our community better than how we found it.