4 Things To Do Now Before You Have Your Baby

4 Things To Do Now Before You Have Your Baby

Most of the focus during pregnancy is on growing a healthy baby and preparing for your delivery day. Much less attention seems to go towards what you do when you bring this new life home. There’s no doubt that the postpartum experience can be quite challenging. You’re tending to a new baby and new routines — all while your body is exhausted and healing.

But a little planning can make a major difference during those first few weeks with your newborn. Here are four ways to help you get ready.

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How to Boost Your Heart Health — Beyond Diet and Exercise

How to Boost Your Heart Health — Beyond Diet and Exercise

It’s no secret that the two most popular power-punches to improving heart health are 1) what you eat and 2) movement. The American Heart Association wants us to get at least 2.5 hours of moderate activity a week.[1] And you’re likely already familiar with the gentle nudges to choose leafy greens over fried deliciousness.

But what if you want to do more? Or maybe just something different? 

The good news is that there are ways you can start improving your heart health — ways that extend beyond treadmills and Mediterranean diets.

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Why New Moms Need a Chiropractor

Why New Moms Need a Chiropractor

Your body underwent a significant amount of change preparing for your new baby. And you may agree that the changes haven’t stopped. You’re not getting enough sleep. You’re figuring out feeding. You’re carrying heavy baby bags and maneuvering through tricky car seats.

Motherhood is hard on the body.

Aches and pains during and after pregnancy aren’t uncommon. In fact, 1 in 2 women will suffer from some type of lower back pain while pregnant or during their postpartum period.

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5 Breathing Exercises to Help You Relax in Under 5 Minutes

5 Breathing Exercises to Help You Relax in Under 5 Minutes

Stressed out, burned out, and not getting enough sleep? I can relate. Stressful times hit us all in different ways. Maybe you get more irritable, or you feel your pulse race. Perhaps you feel your throat tighten as your breath becomes shallow and short.

Fortunately, there are many ways to regain your sense of calm. And even better — they’re free! All you need are a handful of minutes, your lungs, and some air.

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