Why might I do an elimination diet?

Why might I do an elimination diet?

Recently, a family member reached out looking for guidance with an elimination diet. She had just received the results of a food allergy test and now had a LONG list of foods to avoid and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This got me thinking, that there are probably more people out there who are considering an elimination diet, but are a bit intimidated.

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Why Microbes Are Our Friends

Why Microbes Are Our Friends

What if I told you that we actually NEED bacteria, like our lives depend on it? Our human cells are actually outnumbered 10:1! This prolific population of bacteria and microorganisms are known as our microbiome and today I want to share three reasons why they are actually our friends.

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5 Reasons to Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

5 Reasons to Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

As a CACCP (Certified by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics) doctor of chiropractic, we receive a great deal of additional education specific to the rapidly changing anatomy and physiology of children. You may be asking yourself, why would a child need a chiropractic adjustment? Well that’s exactly why today we are talking about 5 reasons you might want to have your baby checked by a chiropractor.

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5 Tips To Getting Better Sleep

5 Tips To Getting Better Sleep

Sleep is one of the most vital factors in maintaining health and general well-being, but according to statistics from the American Sleep Association, a lot of people aren’t getting enough! Our sleep needs change as we grow from infants to adults, but generally it is recommended that an adult get 7-9 hours of sleep a day. 35.3% of adults are getting less than the minimum 7 hours of sleep recommended.

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