5 Ways Your Houseplants May Be Improving Your Health

5 Ways Your Houseplants May Be Improving Your Health

Were you one of the many of us who became an amateur horticulturist in 2020? In addition to the patio garden I built, my apartment has also slowly acquired a good number of indoor plants over the past nine months, to the point that my fiancé is slightly concerned about how many plants may actually end up in our future home. While it’s been fun propagating and growing plants, these little green friends are much more than a hobby or decoration! Today we are going to discuss five ways indoor plants may actually improve your health.

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I’ve Never Been to a Chiropractor… What should I expect on the first visit?

I’ve Never Been to a Chiropractor… What should I expect on the first visit?

More often than not, patients are nervous about their first visit to a chiropractor. Today we will be covering all of the basics of what to expect during your first visit at Renew & Restore Wellness as well as addressing some frequently asked questions!

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Three Benefits to Eating Seasonally

Three Benefits to Eating Seasonally

With transportation and technology, here in the United States, we pretty much have access to any fruits or vegetables we want all year long. But there may something to the way our ancestors used to have to eat… seasonally! Today I want to talk about three benefits to eating a seasonally-based diet.

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Why might I do an elimination diet?

Why might I do an elimination diet?

Recently, a family member reached out looking for guidance with an elimination diet. She had just received the results of a food allergy test and now had a LONG list of foods to avoid and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This got me thinking, that there are probably more people out there who are considering an elimination diet, but are a bit intimidated.

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Why Microbes Are Our Friends

Why Microbes Are Our Friends

What if I told you that we actually NEED bacteria, like our lives depend on it? Our human cells are actually outnumbered 10:1! This prolific population of bacteria and microorganisms are known as our microbiome and today I want to share three reasons why they are actually our friends.

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5 Reasons to Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

5 Reasons to Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

As a CACCP (Certified by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics) doctor of chiropractic, we receive a great deal of additional education specific to the rapidly changing anatomy and physiology of children. You may be asking yourself, why would a child need a chiropractic adjustment? Well that’s exactly why today we are talking about 5 reasons you might want to have your baby checked by a chiropractor.

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